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A THOUGHT FOR TODAY Every man is a damned fool for at least five minutes every day. widely scattered exc NEast See Map. adj catawampus.


is not lined up or not arranged correctly or diagonally. Im curious about alternate forms catawampus and cattywampus. Verily a Catawampus T Shirt. Synonyms for catawampus include askew awry crooked destructive fierce offkilter slanted tilted oblique and lopsided. Catawampus definition askew awry. The dubitations of a Bostonian spinster may be made as interesting by one genius as a fight between a crocodile and a catawampus by another genius. show fierce imaginary animal . kæt.wm.ps also cattywampus uk kæt.iwm.ps us kæt.iwm.ps going badly awkwardly or in the wrong direction The script is spoiled by its catawampus rhythms and its lack of consistency and plausibility. Catawampus.Ink . Regular price 15.00 Sold out. rating of 4.3 from 1506 votes More from Susan Mills Knits Ajee. We had the maple pistachio and mint fudge and a week later Im still craving it. PRONUNCIATION katuhWOMpuhs.