
Brian de Palma

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  The conventional dismissal of Brian De Palmathat he is a mere Hitchcock imitatorthough certainly unjust provides a useful starting point the relation being far more complex than such a description suggests. He studied physics but at the same time felt his dedication for the movies and made some short films.

Brian De Palma Best Movies,De Palma,Brian De Palma

De Palma is often cited as a leading member of the New Hollywood generation of film directors.2 His. 201159  豆列是收集好东西的工具 在网上看到喜欢的无论它是否来自豆瓣都可以收到你自己的豆列里方便以后找到 你还可以关注感兴趣的豆列看看其他人收集的好东西. Mission Impossible Director Brian De Palma Rejected Making Sequels One of These Is Enough. The 64th Best Director of AllTime Brian De Palma De Palma. Brian Russell De Palma born Septem is an American film director and screenwriter. Os seus trabalhos exploram principalmente temas de suspense . Brian De Palma é um Diretor Roteirista americano. A documentary about writer and director Brian De Palma. All De Palmas movies are dealt with in this interesting book where the author insists on some anecdotes of the author giving to these anecdotes too much importance nonetheless the essay is more than acceptable giving us some good information about each of the films which Brian De Palma directed moving as an author an independent movie maker but at the same time dependant on the. The film stars Sissy Spacek as Carrie White a shy 16yearold who is consistently mocked and bullied at school. Brian De Palma in full Brian Russell De Palma De Palma sometimes spelled DePalma born Septem Newark New Jersey U.S. Brian De Palma.